Acara Australian Curriculum Mathematics

There are four courses to choose from: Specialist Mathematics, Mathematical Methods, General Mathematics, and Essential Mathematics. The books address the content outlined in the ACARA Australian Senior Secondary Curriculum, as well as the SACE Stage 1 and 2 subject outlines. Chapter summaries are available on each book's webpage.

The Evil Mathologer is out of town and the Evil Teacher is behind on sending us our summer homework. So, we have time for some thumping and we’ll begin with the Crap Australian Curriculum Competition. (Readers are free to decide whether it’s the curriculum or the competition that is crap.) The competition is simple:

Find the single worst line in the Australian Mathematics Curriculum.

You can choose from either the K-10 Curriculum or the Senior Curriculum, and your line can be from the elaborations or the “general capabilities” or the “cross-curriculum priorities” or the glossary, anywhere. You can also refer to other parts of the Curriculum to indicate the awfulness of your chosen line, as long as the awfulness is specific. (“Worst line” does not equate to “worst aspect”, and of course the many sins of omission cannot be easily addressed.)

Acara australian curriculum mathematics grade 8Acara australian curriculum mathematics standards

Acara Australian Curriculum Mathematics Standards

Acara Australian Curriculum Mathematics

Acara Australian Curriculum Mathematics Curriculum

  1. Mathematics Acknowledgment ACARA acknowledges the contribution of trial school teachers and students for providing the tasks and work samples. The annotations are referenced to the Australian Curriculum achievement standards. Annotations Correctly constructs an ordered stem-and-leaf plot including the stem. Year 7 Mathematics - Work sample 2.
  2. Mathematics provides opportunities to explore aspects of Australian Indigenous knowing in connection to, and with guidance from, the communities who own them. Using a respectful inquiry approach, students have the opportunity to explore mathematical concepts in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander lifestyles including knowledge of number.

The (obviously subjective) “winner” will receive a signed copy of the Dingo book, pictured above. Prizes of the Evil Mathologer’s QED will also be awarded as the judges see fit.

Happy crap-hunting.

We have produced colourful and engaging write-on student workbooks for Years 2, 3, and 4 with corresponding Teacher Resources. Years 5 through to 10 have a core textbook, with additional publications such as Homework Books and Worked Solutions also available. Two options are available for Year 10 - Mathematics for Australia 10 and Mathematics for Australia 10A, with 10A containing more advanced content for able students looking to study rigorous mathematics options at Years 11 and 12.

The Australian Curriculum for Mathematics up to Year 10 was endorsed by Federal, State, and Territory Education Ministers in December 2010.