When you use iTunes to update or restore your iPhone, iPad, or iPod, you might see an alert message that says iTunes could not contact the software update server because you're not connected to the Internet. It will advise you to make sure your Internet connection is active and try again. Follow the steps below to fix the issue.

Stack Exchange network consists of 176 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. In the meantime, for those that haven't had success installing 10.13, and are in this same could not install loop, and simply would like to get back to 10.12, here is what I did: Once I received the 'could not be installed on your computer message' and it told me to quit the installer and restart, I went to Apple logo in the upper left (maybe. That was the problem. For some reason I got the 'The recovery server could not be contacted' message when using the latest UniBeast download. I switched to UniBeast 8.1.0 and it installed just fine. I have another problem though but will post that in another thread. 1 Simple fix, connect the ethernet cable directly to your laptop (use usb-ethernet adapter) or pc and reinstall mac OS from the internet recovery mode= restart and hold command-option-R. MacBook Pro Laptop Hard Drive Physical Malfunctions Due To Read/Write Errors: Laptop hard drives are prone to mechanical failure just like any other hard drive. With this in mind contacting us here at www.glasgowdatarecovery.co.uk if you have such a problem is one way to ensure a swift and full recovery of your data from your laptop hard drive.
Update or restore your iOS device without using iTunes
You need to use iTunes to update or restore your iOS device if you forgot your password and are locked out, or if your device is in recovery mode.
If that's not the case, you can update or restore without iTunes using these steps:
- Disconnect the iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch from your computer.
- On the device, turn on Wi-Fi. We recommend that you connect to a network, not a personal hotspot, when you download software updates.
- Update the device by going to Settings > General > Software Update.
If this doesn't fix the issue, go to the next solution.
Connect to the Internet and the iTunes Store
Open a browser on your computer and see if it can load a webpage. Then, try to connect to the iTunes Store.
- If you can't connect to the Internet, contact your computer administrator or Internet service provider (ISP) for help. Or, try a different computer or network.
- If you can connect to the Internet but see an error message when you try to connect to the iTunes Store, find solutions to possible iTunes Store errors.
- If you can connect to the Internet but the iTunes store shows a blank white page, identify and remove Layered Service Provider software.
If these solutions don't fix the issue, edit or reset your hosts file.
Edit or reset your hosts file
Your hosts file might block access to the software update server. Here's how to edit or reset your hosts file.
Macbook Pro Mojave The Recovery Server Could Not Be Contacted

The Recovery Server Could Not Be Contacted Macbook Pro 2010
If you use a Mac
Macbook Pro 2011 The Recovery Server Could Not Be Contacted
If you use a work computer, check with your computer administrator before you edit the hosts file.
- In Finder, select Applications > Utilities > Terminal from the menu bar.
- In the Terminal application, type the following command and press Enter to open the hosts file:
sudo nano /private/etc/hosts
- When prompted, type your user password. Note that nothing appears in the Terminal window when you type the password.
- Use the arrow keys on your keyboard to move through the hosts file.
- If any line includes apple.com, add a number sign (#) and a space character to the beginning of the line.
- To save the hosts file, press Control-O.
- At the filename prompt, press Enter.
- To exit, press Control-X.

If this doesn't fix the issue, your security software might be out-of-date or misconfigured. You can resolve issues between iTunes and your security software.
If you use a Windows PC
Macbook Pro Recovery Server Cannot Be Contacted
On your Windows PC, reset the hosts file.
If this doesn't fix the issue, your security software might be out-of-date or misconfigured. You can resolve issues between iTunes and your security software.