Photoshop Cs3 Support

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Photoshop Cs3 Support

Got photoshop cs3 color worked for brushes for a while then stopped. I tried everything I could with the scales and swatches and nothing helps.. any ideas?

dave milbut wrote:
John Joslin wrote:
It deletes them from the palette, not from the hard drive. They can be reloaded from where they were saved.
if you haven't saved custom brushes externally DO SO before resetting the brushes!
Yes, thanks for that. That was my implication but I should've spelled it out.

Similar Messages

  • I am having an issue with the color range selection tool in Photoshop CS3 on an iMac G5 running Snow Leopard.
    I've been using this tool for years and it's always worked properly until now. It no longer selects the color I've picked with the eyedropper. The only time it works properly is when I set the image to grayscale mode. In any other mode, it selects erratically, like the image below. Those are clean rectangles I created with the paint bucket, so I'm not sure where the lines selected in the Color Range view are coming from. Adjusting
    'Fuzziness' doesn't help. The image is set to 8bits. Any ideas?
    I've tried using the color range on another computer with the same settings and it works fine.

    Is the Eyedropper Tool set to Current Layer in the Options Bar?
    If nothing else helps you can always try trashing the prefs (after making sure all customized presets like Actions, Patterns, Brushes etc. have been saved and making a note of the Preferences you’ve changed).

  • I just bought a copy of Photoshop CS3 and I have it installed on my desktop and my laptop. Photoshop CS3 is working fine on my laptop, but the colors aren't displaying correctly on my desktop. I'll construct an image, save it and open it in another program or a browser, and the colors will be a little different. I've attached a screenshot to better illustrate my point. I'm stumped and any help with this is appreciated.

    Mr Technique
    In case you don't undertand, that is one technique that does not work.
    You would be advised NOT to pass it on to any friends who have colour problems on their display.
    If you want to know why it is wrong, read this:

  • This problem is getting the best of me.......
    After spending 3 full days researching this problem, I am no closer to finding an answer than when I started. I still cannot produce a usable image through the 'Save for Web' feature of Photoshop CS3. I have read web page after web page of 'Tips, Tricks and Recommendations' from dozens of experts, some from this forum, and still I have no solution... I am exhausted and frustrated to say the least. Here's the simple facts that I know at this point.
    I have a web design project that was started in PS CS1. All artwork was created in photoshop and exported to JPG format by using 'Save for Web'. Every image displays correctly in these browsers (Safari, Camino, FireFox and even Internet Explorer on a PC).
    I have recently upgraded to PS CS3 and now cannot get any newly JPG'd image to display correctly. My original settings in CS1 were of no concern to me at the time, because it always just worked, and so I do not know what they were. I have opened a few of my previous images in CS3 and found that sRGB-2.1 displays them more or less accurately. I am using sRGB 2.1 working space. Upon openning these previous image files, I get the 'Missing Profile' message and of course I select 'Leave as is. Do Not color manage'. CS3 assumes sRGB-2.1 working space, opens the file, and all is well.
    The problem is when I go to 'Save for Web', the saturation goes up, and the colors change. The opposite of what most people are reporting. Here's another important point... new artwork created in CS3 does exactly the same thing, so it's not because of the older CS1 files.
    I have tried every combination of 'uncompensated color', 'Convert to sRGB', 'ICC Profile', etc. while saving. I have Converted to sRGB before saving, and my monitor is calibrated correctly.
    I have tried setting the 'Save for Web' page on 2-up and the 'original' on the left is already color shifted before I even hit the 'Save' button. Of course, the 'Optimized' image on the right looks perfect because I am cheating by selecting the 'Use Document Color Profile' item. Why do they even have this feature if doesn't work, or misleads you?
    Does anyone have any ideas what could be happening here? Why is this all so screwed up?
    CS1 worked fine out of the box.
    Final note: I do have an image file I could send along that demonstrates how it is possible to display an image exactly the same in all 4 of the browsers I mentioned with no color differences. It is untagged RGB and somehow it just works.
    I am very frustrated with all of this and any suggestions will be appreciated

    >> First of all... I'm using an Adobe RGB image master... I open it and get the Profile Mismatch Screen... I choose Use Enbedded profile... all looks well. Next I go to Proof Setup > Monitor RGB... again all looks well, no change that I can tell.
    This has further confused the issue on several points, not the least of which version PS you are doing this with?
    >> AdobeRGB> Convert to Profile > Working Space sRGB-2.1... all still looks well... but now, when I go to Proof Setup > Monitor RGB... I see the insane oversaturated look that is driving me nuts.
    That is your strongest sounds like you have a bad system or bad monitor profile. To rule out the monitor profile: Set sRGB as your monitor profile in System Prefs> Displays> Color.
    >> Adobe RGB image master... I open it and get the Profile Mismatch Screen... I choose Use Enbedded profile... all looks well. Next I go to Proof Setup > Monitor RGB... again all looks well
    That doesn't make sense, stripping an embedded AdobeRGB profile should desaturate the color in Softproof MonitorRGB, especially the reds -- you have something wacky going on there.
    At this point I think you need to review the links and get a grip about how color management and profiles work...
    BTW, forget about setting ColorSync in PS COlor Settings, use Adobe ACE.
    I think SFW is fixed under CS3 :) By default it Converts to sRGB and strips the profile.

  • There is a same RAW photo,one use Cannon Digital Photo Professional open,it is correct.
    but use photoshop CS3 open it,fish's color changed.The other color is correct.
    What's happened??

    After playing a bit with your original raw image, I think the problem is not improper colour management (as thought previously) but an intrinsic difference between Canon DPP and Adobe Camera Raw. The tropical fish's colour is so extreme it reveals the difference between the raw converters. ACR 4.3.1 as well as ACR 4.4 will render the fish too saturated, no matter what target profile is chosen. Canon DPP obviously can do a better job because it has access to proprietary information stored inside the image file which third-party raw converters (like ACR) have no access to. Generally, different raw converters will yield different results (albeit usually, the differences will be subtle)---it's a bit like using different developers back in the film days.
    You can approach the DPP rendering in ACR to a degree (albeit not perfectly) when setting the ACR controls as follows: exposure -1.0, brightness +70, vibrance -50, and saturation +40 ... or thereabouts.
    -- Olaf

  • I was using the color selection dialog this morning and discovered that clicking and holding the vertical slider or the little arrows for about three or four seconds causes Windows 7 to declare Photoshop CS3 as being unresponsive. The whole Photoshop UI starts freaking out at that point: The color selection dialog 'vanishes' and black bars start appearing all across the application. Minimizing and then showing the application restores it to its previous state.

    You're welcome. Glad to hear the driver update corrected the issue for you.
    TheFunnyMonkey wrote:
    I'm slightly envious of your 5670. But only slightly.
    I just got it, having previously used a 4670. The 5670 is not hugely fast in the benchmarks, probably not much faster than yours, but it animates everything in Photoshop perfectly smoothly (Photoshop is far less demanding than most games). I am most fond of the fact that the 5670 draws so little power it doesn't need an extra power connection over and above what it gets from the PCIe buss, and so it runs cool and quiet.

  • Hey, I tried figuring this out myself but to no avail. so I am asking anyone here for some advice.
    I am trying to make a 'lightsaber' effect on some images. In an earlier version of photoshop (earlier than the CS versions i think) it ended up as the blade with its color on a black background. This image was placed on top of my image, the blending mode changed to screen, and it turned out fine. The black disappeared, and the blade kept its vibrant color.
    Tutorial I used:
    Blade image before 'screeining' over background image:
    I've tried this in cs3 and cs5, but something in the program must have changed. When I set the 'blades' image to screen, the blade color ends up blending into the background color (altering the blades color) and ends up completely disappearing against a white background. The blade color alters based on what color the image behind it is. I want the blades to keep their vibrant color regardless of what background it is against. Any advice?
    CS3 CS5: (blade color in this image was set to Red:0 Green: 127 Blue: 255, a clear cyan blue color, and it's blending into the orange, creating a purplish blue color)

    When I set the 'blades' image to screen, the blade color ends up blending into the background color (altering the blades color) and ends up completely disappearing against a white background.
    Of course they will disappear against a white background.
    The Blending Mode Screen can only produce lighter values (you can figure out the math yourself or check out the Help, »Blending mode descriptions«) so on white it will result in white.
    Anyway, I guess the intended effect may possibly be approximated with Blend Mode Normal.
    In the case of your example a Selection based on Green used to make a Green (0/255/0) Solid Color Layer, a Selection based on either Red or Blue as the basis of a white Solid Color Layer could be used.
    On Black the results are identical, on lighter backgrounds the result will differ increasingly, but one can still control the aura via Opacity.

  • I'm adjusting RGB images in CMYK preview mode using custom ICC profiles. In taking a color sample measurement using Color Sampler tool and Info Window, I can have the sample data display in RGB, CMYK or whatever.
    Is there a way to get each sample to display both RGB and CMYK numbers side by side?? This would be very helpful when 'correcting by the numbers'.

    that's what a figured but thought I should ask anyway. Perhaps it should be added to the feature request list.
    Thanks for the confirmation.

  • Hello All,
    I am having a bit of an issue with my Color Picker.
    As you know, when you open up the Color Picker, it has the large square with the assortment of colors on the left and the details of the color on the right.
    As of today, Photoshop won't let me use my cursor to click and select a color from within that large square. Nor can I scroll up and down the rainbow color strip on the side.
    Is there a way to get those features back?
    Thanks in advance.

    Try resetting your preferences as described in the FAQ.
    You either have to physically delete (or rename) the preference files or, if using the Alt, Ctrl, and Shift method, be sure that you get a confirmation dialog.
    This resets all settings in Photoshop to factory defaults.
    A complete uninstall/re-install will not affect the preferences and a corrupt file there may be causing the problem.

  • how to change background color in photoshop cs3
    Please help me...

    Background for what? You need to explain better and be more specific.

  • Hi
    today i run ProcessActivityView
    and i get some errors
    in the log
    i found these
    C:ProgrammiFile comuniAdobecapscaps.db
    C:ProgrammiFile comuniAdobebackupcaps.db
    C:Documents and Settingsmy nameImpostazioni localiTempTWAIN.LOG
    C:Documents and Settingsmy nameImpostazioni localiTempTwain001.Mtx
    C:Documents and Settingsmy nameImpostazioni localiTempTwunk002.MTX
    C:Documents and Settingsmy nameImpostazioni localiTempTwunk001.MTX
    C:Documents and Settingsmy nameDati applicazioniAdobeAdobe Photoshop CS3Adobe Photoshop CS3 SettingsBrushes.psp
    C:Documents and Settingsmy nameDati applicazioniAdobeAdobe Photoshop CS3Adobe Photoshop CS3 SettingsSwatches.psp
    C:Documents and Settingsmy nameDati applicazioniAdobeAdobe Photoshop CS3Adobe Photoshop CS3 SettingsGradients.psp
    C:Documents and Settingsmy nameDati applicazioniAdobeAdobe Photoshop CS3Adobe Photoshop CS3 SettingsPatterns.psp
    C:Documents and Settingsmy nameDati applicazioniAdobeAdobe Photoshop CS3Adobe Photoshop CS3 SettingsContours.psp
    C:Documents and Settingsmy nameDati applicazioniAdobeAdobe Photoshop CS3Adobe Photoshop CS3 SettingsToningCurves.psp
    C:Documents and Settingsmy nameDati applicazioniAdobeAdobe Photoshop CS3Adobe Photoshop CS3 SettingsStyles.psp
    C:Documents and Settingsmy nameDati applicazioniAdobeAdobe Photoshop CS3Adobe Photoshop CS3 SettingsCustomShapes.psp
    the last strings for me are not comprehensible, understandable
    uninstall , reboot , cleaner , re-install
    can somebody help me?
    i added the log in txt file
    have a nice day

    sorry i did not get it
    it's a freesoftware and ProcessActivityView is 40k ( 40K only)
    you don't need to install ProcessActivityView it does need to install , it's portable ,it's create a ini files in the folder where do you run
    what i can't understand is why photoshop cs3 try to load the brushes in the wrong folder
    C:Documents and Settingsmy nameDati applicazioniAdobeAdobe Photoshop CS3Adobe Photoshop CS3 SettingsBrushes.psp ???
    can somebody give a try to his CS3 installed?

  • Photoshop CS3 Extended running on Windows XP Professional:
    Using a new default size blank page - I want to start at the top with one color - gradually lighten toward the middle then gradually fade into another color (like from violet to light blue).
    Can anyone tell me how to do this?
    Thank you,

    Check out the
    Gradient Tool
    in Help. Once you've got that check out
    Layer Masks
    in Help.
    That should get you going.

  • Hello,
    I created a background image in Photoshop CS3 but whenever I import it into Fireworks CS3 the color changed. It seems that the saturation level is changing. The hue is close however. I tried using the color palette to type in the exact RGB & Hexadecimal number but it is still not working.
    Please help. Thank you

    Here are couple of good articles on the color profile-Web export issue:
    At Smashing Magazine: elopment/
    At Viget Inspire:
    (Useful info in the comments, too!)

  • Error message when installing Photoshop cs3 extended on my Mac!!!! PLEASE HELP!!!

    check compatibility first,

  • I downloaded from Adobe the Photoshop CS3 Extended Trial directly from Adobe. (BTW I am on Vista 32)
    The first time I tried installing, ADBEPHSPCS3_WWE.exe successfully unpacked, I successfully transitioned to the Adobe Photoshop CS3 installation, and it appeared to install. After 30 minutes or so, the installer finished and simply said that shared components had installed but the Photoshop CS3 Component install failed.
    I always got in the log Error 1935.An error occurred during the installation of assembly 'Microsoft.VC80.MFCLOC,version='8.0.50727.163',type='win32',publicKeyToken='1fc8b3b9a1e18 e3b',processorArchitecture='x86'. Please refer to Help and Support for more information
    This, I know, is everyones typical problem.
    I turned off firewall and antivirus.
    I uninstalled ALL Adobe and Macromedia programs, including Flash and Acrobat.
    I used Windows Install Cleanup Utility to remove them.
    I downloaded the CS3 Clear from Adobe and cleared at levels 1, 2, and 3.
    I created the Administrator account on my computer and tried everything on the Administrator account.
    I tried installing Photoshop CS3 with compatibility mode for XP SP2.
    I tried:
    1. Open an Administrator command prompt by right clicking on Start -> All
    Programs -> Accessories -> Command Prompt and selecting 'Run as
    Administrator' and clicking 'Allow' for the elevation prompt
    2. In the command prompt, type the command below
    fsutil resource setautoreset true C:
    3. Reboot the machine
    I tried:
    Get command prompt up. It has to be run with admin rights so save yourself some time and run it this way.........Start/programs/accessories/.....right click command prompt and click run as administrator.
    Then paste these commands in 1 after the other
    regsvr32 vbscript.dll (THEN PRESS ENTER)
    regsvr32 jscript.dll (AGAIN PRESS ENTER)
    I even tried installing in Safe Mode but the CS3 setup would not initialize.
    I do not know what else to do. I have CS2 which I will use, but I was really hoping to move to CS3 which is supposed to be better and faster. Does anyone know anything else to do? I am not a computer noob but I am not about to reinstall Vista. If anyone has any suggestions they would be greatly appreciated.

    I was in the same predicament and after spend many hours over several days trying a multitude of things I finally found an easy fix (below):
    Assuming you have Internet Explorer 7 go to:
    Tools/Internet option/Advanced
    Click the Reset dialog box. This will bring IE7 back to its default settings. You should reboot your computer. After logging back into Windows load IE and let it take you though its initial setup. When you are done close IE and install Photoshop.. This worked for me, hopefully it will work for you!

Maybe you are looking for

Page 85 Adobe Photoshop CS3 now offers layers support for 32-bpc images, as well as access to more tools, filters, and commands. 32 bit has been added as an option when creating new documents in Photoshop. For more information, see below. Adobe Photoshop Camera. Adobe After Effects. Adobe Character Animator. Photoshop CC 2017 was released on November 2, 2016. It introduced a new template selector when creating new documents, the ability to search for tools, panels and help articles for Photoshop, support for SVG OpenType fonts and other small improvements. In December 2016, a minor update was released to include support. Photoshop CS3; Adobe Photoshop CS3 Manuals Manuals and User Guides for Adobe Photoshop CS3. We have 3 Adobe Photoshop CS3 manuals available for free PDF download: User Manual, Manual. Photoshop Cs3 Is definitely a old news for the youtube app, as they will have more incredible interactive. Necessary cookies are not essential for the website to function erratically. It seems good 17 years ago, but here it is, the post combination of the most knowledge and win for the Warcraft universe.

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Photoshop Cs3 Portable


Got photoshop cs3 color worked for brushes for a while then stopped. I tried everything I could with the scales and swatches and nothing helps.. any ideas?

dave milbut wrote:
John Joslin wrote:
It deletes them from the palette, not from the hard drive. They can be reloaded from where they were saved.
if you haven't saved custom brushes externally DO SO before resetting the brushes!
Yes, thanks for that. That was my implication but I should've spelled it out.

Similar Messages

Photoshop Cs3 Serial Number

  • I am having an issue with the color range selection tool in Photoshop CS3 on an iMac G5 running Snow Leopard.
    I've been using this tool for years and it's always worked properly until now. It no longer selects the color I've picked with the eyedropper. The only time it works properly is when I set the image to grayscale mode. In any other mode, it selects erratically, like the image below. Those are clean rectangles I created with the paint bucket, so I'm not sure where the lines selected in the Color Range view are coming from. Adjusting
    'Fuzziness' doesn't help. The image is set to 8bits. Any ideas?
    I've tried using the color range on another computer with the same settings and it works fine.

    Is the Eyedropper Tool set to Current Layer in the Options Bar?
    If nothing else helps you can always try trashing the prefs (after making sure all customized presets like Actions, Patterns, Brushes etc. have been saved and making a note of the Preferences you’ve changed).

  • I just bought a copy of Photoshop CS3 and I have it installed on my desktop and my laptop. Photoshop CS3 is working fine on my laptop, but the colors aren't displaying correctly on my desktop. I'll construct an image, save it and open it in another program or a browser, and the colors will be a little different. I've attached a screenshot to better illustrate my point. I'm stumped and any help with this is appreciated.

    Mr Technique
    In case you don't undertand, that is one technique that does not work.
    You would be advised NOT to pass it on to any friends who have colour problems on their display.
    If you want to know why it is wrong, read this:

  • This problem is getting the best of me.......
    After spending 3 full days researching this problem, I am no closer to finding an answer than when I started. I still cannot produce a usable image through the 'Save for Web' feature of Photoshop CS3. I have read web page after web page of 'Tips, Tricks and Recommendations' from dozens of experts, some from this forum, and still I have no solution... I am exhausted and frustrated to say the least. Here's the simple facts that I know at this point.
    I have a web design project that was started in PS CS1. All artwork was created in photoshop and exported to JPG format by using 'Save for Web'. Every image displays correctly in these browsers (Safari, Camino, FireFox and even Internet Explorer on a PC).
    I have recently upgraded to PS CS3 and now cannot get any newly JPG'd image to display correctly. My original settings in CS1 were of no concern to me at the time, because it always just worked, and so I do not know what they were. I have opened a few of my previous images in CS3 and found that sRGB-2.1 displays them more or less accurately. I am using sRGB 2.1 working space. Upon openning these previous image files, I get the 'Missing Profile' message and of course I select 'Leave as is. Do Not color manage'. CS3 assumes sRGB-2.1 working space, opens the file, and all is well.
    The problem is when I go to 'Save for Web', the saturation goes up, and the colors change. The opposite of what most people are reporting. Here's another important point... new artwork created in CS3 does exactly the same thing, so it's not because of the older CS1 files.
    I have tried every combination of 'uncompensated color', 'Convert to sRGB', 'ICC Profile', etc. while saving. I have Converted to sRGB before saving, and my monitor is calibrated correctly.
    I have tried setting the 'Save for Web' page on 2-up and the 'original' on the left is already color shifted before I even hit the 'Save' button. Of course, the 'Optimized' image on the right looks perfect because I am cheating by selecting the 'Use Document Color Profile' item. Why do they even have this feature if doesn't work, or misleads you?
    Does anyone have any ideas what could be happening here? Why is this all so screwed up?
    CS1 worked fine out of the box.
    Final note: I do have an image file I could send along that demonstrates how it is possible to display an image exactly the same in all 4 of the browsers I mentioned with no color differences. It is untagged RGB and somehow it just works.
    I am very frustrated with all of this and any suggestions will be appreciated

    >> First of all... I'm using an Adobe RGB image master... I open it and get the Profile Mismatch Screen... I choose Use Enbedded profile... all looks well. Next I go to Proof Setup > Monitor RGB... again all looks well, no change that I can tell.
    This has further confused the issue on several points, not the least of which version PS you are doing this with?
    >> AdobeRGB> Convert to Profile > Working Space sRGB-2.1... all still looks well... but now, when I go to Proof Setup > Monitor RGB... I see the insane oversaturated look that is driving me nuts.
    That is your strongest sounds like you have a bad system or bad monitor profile. To rule out the monitor profile: Set sRGB as your monitor profile in System Prefs> Displays> Color.
    >> Adobe RGB image master... I open it and get the Profile Mismatch Screen... I choose Use Enbedded profile... all looks well. Next I go to Proof Setup > Monitor RGB... again all looks well
    That doesn't make sense, stripping an embedded AdobeRGB profile should desaturate the color in Softproof MonitorRGB, especially the reds -- you have something wacky going on there.
    At this point I think you need to review the links and get a grip about how color management and profiles work...
    BTW, forget about setting ColorSync in PS COlor Settings, use Adobe ACE.
    I think SFW is fixed under CS3 :) By default it Converts to sRGB and strips the profile.

  • There is a same RAW photo,one use Cannon Digital Photo Professional open,it is correct.
    but use photoshop CS3 open it,fish's color changed.The other color is correct.
    What's happened??

    After playing a bit with your original raw image, I think the problem is not improper colour management (as thought previously) but an intrinsic difference between Canon DPP and Adobe Camera Raw. The tropical fish's colour is so extreme it reveals the difference between the raw converters. ACR 4.3.1 as well as ACR 4.4 will render the fish too saturated, no matter what target profile is chosen. Canon DPP obviously can do a better job because it has access to proprietary information stored inside the image file which third-party raw converters (like ACR) have no access to. Generally, different raw converters will yield different results (albeit usually, the differences will be subtle)---it's a bit like using different developers back in the film days.
    You can approach the DPP rendering in ACR to a degree (albeit not perfectly) when setting the ACR controls as follows: exposure -1.0, brightness +70, vibrance -50, and saturation +40 ... or thereabouts.
    -- Olaf

  • I was using the color selection dialog this morning and discovered that clicking and holding the vertical slider or the little arrows for about three or four seconds causes Windows 7 to declare Photoshop CS3 as being unresponsive. The whole Photoshop UI starts freaking out at that point: The color selection dialog 'vanishes' and black bars start appearing all across the application. Minimizing and then showing the application restores it to its previous state.

    You're welcome. Glad to hear the driver update corrected the issue for you.
    TheFunnyMonkey wrote:
    I'm slightly envious of your 5670. But only slightly.
    I just got it, having previously used a 4670. The 5670 is not hugely fast in the benchmarks, probably not much faster than yours, but it animates everything in Photoshop perfectly smoothly (Photoshop is far less demanding than most games). I am most fond of the fact that the 5670 draws so little power it doesn't need an extra power connection over and above what it gets from the PCIe buss, and so it runs cool and quiet.

  • Hey, I tried figuring this out myself but to no avail. so I am asking anyone here for some advice.
    I am trying to make a 'lightsaber' effect on some images. In an earlier version of photoshop (earlier than the CS versions i think) it ended up as the blade with its color on a black background. This image was placed on top of my image, the blending mode changed to screen, and it turned out fine. The black disappeared, and the blade kept its vibrant color.
    Tutorial I used:
    Blade image before 'screeining' over background image:
    I've tried this in cs3 and cs5, but something in the program must have changed. When I set the 'blades' image to screen, the blade color ends up blending into the background color (altering the blades color) and ends up completely disappearing against a white background. The blade color alters based on what color the image behind it is. I want the blades to keep their vibrant color regardless of what background it is against. Any advice?
    CS3 CS5: (blade color in this image was set to Red:0 Green: 127 Blue: 255, a clear cyan blue color, and it's blending into the orange, creating a purplish blue color)

    When I set the 'blades' image to screen, the blade color ends up blending into the background color (altering the blades color) and ends up completely disappearing against a white background.
    Of course they will disappear against a white background.
    The Blending Mode Screen can only produce lighter values (you can figure out the math yourself or check out the Help, »Blending mode descriptions«) so on white it will result in white.
    Anyway, I guess the intended effect may possibly be approximated with Blend Mode Normal.
    In the case of your example a Selection based on Green used to make a Green (0/255/0) Solid Color Layer, a Selection based on either Red or Blue as the basis of a white Solid Color Layer could be used.
    On Black the results are identical, on lighter backgrounds the result will differ increasingly, but one can still control the aura via Opacity.

  • I'm adjusting RGB images in CMYK preview mode using custom ICC profiles. In taking a color sample measurement using Color Sampler tool and Info Window, I can have the sample data display in RGB, CMYK or whatever.
    Is there a way to get each sample to display both RGB and CMYK numbers side by side?? This would be very helpful when 'correcting by the numbers'.

    that's what a figured but thought I should ask anyway. Perhaps it should be added to the feature request list.
    Thanks for the confirmation.

  • Hello All,
    I am having a bit of an issue with my Color Picker.
    As you know, when you open up the Color Picker, it has the large square with the assortment of colors on the left and the details of the color on the right.
    As of today, Photoshop won't let me use my cursor to click and select a color from within that large square. Nor can I scroll up and down the rainbow color strip on the side.
    Is there a way to get those features back?
    Thanks in advance.

    Try resetting your preferences as described in the FAQ.
    You either have to physically delete (or rename) the preference files or, if using the Alt, Ctrl, and Shift method, be sure that you get a confirmation dialog.
    This resets all settings in Photoshop to factory defaults.
    A complete uninstall/re-install will not affect the preferences and a corrupt file there may be causing the problem.

  • how to change background color in photoshop cs3
    Please help me...

    Background for what? You need to explain better and be more specific.

  • Hi
    today i run ProcessActivityView
    and i get some errors
    in the log
    i found these
    C:ProgrammiFile comuniAdobecapscaps.db
    C:ProgrammiFile comuniAdobebackupcaps.db
    C:Documents and Settingsmy nameImpostazioni localiTempTWAIN.LOG
    C:Documents and Settingsmy nameImpostazioni localiTempTwain001.Mtx
    C:Documents and Settingsmy nameImpostazioni localiTempTwunk002.MTX
    C:Documents and Settingsmy nameImpostazioni localiTempTwunk001.MTX
    C:Documents and Settingsmy nameDati applicazioniAdobeAdobe Photoshop CS3Adobe Photoshop CS3 SettingsBrushes.psp
    C:Documents and Settingsmy nameDati applicazioniAdobeAdobe Photoshop CS3Adobe Photoshop CS3 SettingsSwatches.psp
    C:Documents and Settingsmy nameDati applicazioniAdobeAdobe Photoshop CS3Adobe Photoshop CS3 SettingsGradients.psp
    C:Documents and Settingsmy nameDati applicazioniAdobeAdobe Photoshop CS3Adobe Photoshop CS3 SettingsPatterns.psp
    C:Documents and Settingsmy nameDati applicazioniAdobeAdobe Photoshop CS3Adobe Photoshop CS3 SettingsContours.psp
    C:Documents and Settingsmy nameDati applicazioniAdobeAdobe Photoshop CS3Adobe Photoshop CS3 SettingsToningCurves.psp
    C:Documents and Settingsmy nameDati applicazioniAdobeAdobe Photoshop CS3Adobe Photoshop CS3 SettingsStyles.psp
    C:Documents and Settingsmy nameDati applicazioniAdobeAdobe Photoshop CS3Adobe Photoshop CS3 SettingsCustomShapes.psp
    the last strings for me are not comprehensible, understandable
    uninstall , reboot , cleaner , re-install
    can somebody help me?
    i added the log in txt file
    have a nice day

    sorry i did not get it
    it's a freesoftware and ProcessActivityView is 40k ( 40K only)
    you don't need to install ProcessActivityView it does need to install , it's portable ,it's create a ini files in the folder where do you run
    what i can't understand is why photoshop cs3 try to load the brushes in the wrong folder
    C:Documents and Settingsmy nameDati applicazioniAdobeAdobe Photoshop CS3Adobe Photoshop CS3 SettingsBrushes.psp ???
    can somebody give a try to his CS3 installed?

  • Photoshop CS3 Extended running on Windows XP Professional:
    Using a new default size blank page - I want to start at the top with one color - gradually lighten toward the middle then gradually fade into another color (like from violet to light blue).
    Can anyone tell me how to do this?
    Thank you,

    Check out the
    Gradient Tool
    in Help. Once you've got that check out
    Layer Masks
    in Help.
    That should get you going.

  • Hello,
    I created a background image in Photoshop CS3 but whenever I import it into Fireworks CS3 the color changed. It seems that the saturation level is changing. The hue is close however. I tried using the color palette to type in the exact RGB & Hexadecimal number but it is still not working.
    Please help. Thank you

    Here are couple of good articles on the color profile-Web export issue:
    At Smashing Magazine: elopment/
    At Viget Inspire:
    (Useful info in the comments, too!)

  • Error message when installing Photoshop cs3 extended on my Mac!!!! PLEASE HELP!!!

    check compatibility first,

  • I downloaded from Adobe the Photoshop CS3 Extended Trial directly from Adobe. (BTW I am on Vista 32)
    The first time I tried installing, ADBEPHSPCS3_WWE.exe successfully unpacked, I successfully transitioned to the Adobe Photoshop CS3 installation, and it appeared to install. After 30 minutes or so, the installer finished and simply said that shared components had installed but the Photoshop CS3 Component install failed.
    I always got in the log Error 1935.An error occurred during the installation of assembly 'Microsoft.VC80.MFCLOC,version='8.0.50727.163',type='win32',publicKeyToken='1fc8b3b9a1e18 e3b',processorArchitecture='x86'. Please refer to Help and Support for more information
    This, I know, is everyones typical problem.
    I turned off firewall and antivirus.
    I uninstalled ALL Adobe and Macromedia programs, including Flash and Acrobat.
    I used Windows Install Cleanup Utility to remove them.
    I downloaded the CS3 Clear from Adobe and cleared at levels 1, 2, and 3.
    I created the Administrator account on my computer and tried everything on the Administrator account.
    I tried installing Photoshop CS3 with compatibility mode for XP SP2.
    I tried:
    1. Open an Administrator command prompt by right clicking on Start -> All
    Programs -> Accessories -> Command Prompt and selecting 'Run as
    Administrator' and clicking 'Allow' for the elevation prompt
    2. In the command prompt, type the command below
    fsutil resource setautoreset true C:
    3. Reboot the machine
    I tried:
    Get command prompt up. It has to be run with admin rights so save yourself some time and run it this way.........Start/programs/accessories/.....right click command prompt and click run as administrator.
    Then paste these commands in 1 after the other
    regsvr32 vbscript.dll (THEN PRESS ENTER)
    regsvr32 jscript.dll (AGAIN PRESS ENTER)
    I even tried installing in Safe Mode but the CS3 setup would not initialize.
    I do not know what else to do. I have CS2 which I will use, but I was really hoping to move to CS3 which is supposed to be better and faster. Does anyone know anything else to do? I am not a computer noob but I am not about to reinstall Vista. If anyone has any suggestions they would be greatly appreciated.

    I was in the same predicament and after spend many hours over several days trying a multitude of things I finally found an easy fix (below):
    Assuming you have Internet Explorer 7 go to:
    Tools/Internet option/Advanced
    Click the Reset dialog box. This will bring IE7 back to its default settings. You should reboot your computer. After logging back into Windows load IE and let it take you though its initial setup. When you are done close IE and install Photoshop.. This worked for me, hopefully it will work for you!

Maybe you are looking for

Photoshop Cs3 Portable Google Drive

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