Jagged Alliance 2 Attributes

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Discussion in 'News & Content Feedback' started by felipepepe, Mar 14, 2020.


Strength: easiest way is to go into stealth mode and punch crows in a sector with lots of rotting corpses. The supply of crows are endless. It helps when you're in a sector with at least 20+ corpses so the crows return faster. Play Instructions. Install the game - Full Installation. Apply the official Jagged Alliance 2 Gold v1.12 Patch.; Replace the original JA2.EXE file with the one from the File Archive. In Jagged Alliance 2, you will need to acquire 50 Sub-Points in an attribute's pool to cause a level increase in that attribute. HAM Recommended Value: 50 You should decide for yourself the best speed you require for attribute training. I personally use 35 for attributes, because I feel that they improve very slowly.

Jagged Alliance 2 Attributes List

Games like jagged alliance 2Jagged alliance 2 attributes characteristics

Jagged Alliance 2 Attributes Examples

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  1. Question 1 1: Martial Arts 2: None 3: Hand to Hand combat 4: Lock Picking 5: Throwing. 6: Optimism (matial arts, hand to hand. Lockpick or optimism) Question 2 1: Teaching 2: None 3: Psycho Personality 4: Friendly personality (pick number one) Question 3 1: Lock Picking 2: None 3: Stealth 4: Normal personality (1 lock pick or 3 stealth).
  2. JAGGED ALLIANCE 2: WILDFIRE brings you back to Arulco. The population is being terrorized by a reckless army; in the meantime the main export goods are drugs. Subversion and fraudulence has infiltrated all levels of local government and the ever-present Mafia has his fingers in many pies.

Jagged Alliance 2 Attributes Characteristics

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